Vaccinations for 50 years and older available at UT

Vaccinations for 50 years and older available at UT

Nick Pellicciotto, HNA President — March 17, 2021

Hi there!

In case you hadn’t heard, anyone in the 1c category—which includes everyone over 50 years old—can now get vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine at UT Health. The clinic is set up in the Gregory Gym on the UT campus. 

I scheduled mine on Sunday March 14 and got my first shot today, March 17. When you check in on-site, they also schedule your second dose. There’s free parking at the Brazos garage on MLK Dr., next to the Blanton museum. I went in the morning and the whole thing took about a half an hour. It was very efficient and lines aren’t very long.

Here’s the link to sign up:

First, click the Vaccination Request Form button on the webpage to register. You’ll then get an email later inviting you to schedule your appointment—it took about a day between when I first registered and when I got the email to schedule the appointment. Once you schedule, you’ll get an email confirmation with a QR code you’ll need to bring with you to the appointment (either printed out or on your device). Follow the instructions carefully. It’s easy to sign up, but make sure you read the information they provide so you understand the process.

If you need any help signing up or have any questions, email me at

Gregory Gym on the UT campus

Gregory Gym on the UT campus

Nick Pellicciotto