Fall '23 HNA Newsletter: Meetings and a Meet-Up, Halloween Fun, Plus: Join the Board!
Hello, fellow Highlanders!
It may not quite feel like fall yet, but the calendar says it’s time for our quarterly neighborhood newsletter even if we’re still sweating through the days.
📅 ICYMI: Quarterly Meeting Notes/Updates 📅
If you missed our quarterly meeting last week, you can review the agenda with some light notes and updates here. Thanks to District 4 City Council Member Chito Vela for attending the meeting and hosting a really generative Q&A session about land use, development, and transportation issues. For details on much of what we covered at the meeting, check out this D4 Land Use Summary of some recent items/plans.
I’ve also updated our web archives with meeting notes and agendas from the last year or so.
🏞️ Parks, Parks, Parks 🏞️
Good news: Highland Park construction continues apace, and it looks like we’re on track to have access to the revamped park starting early next year!
Join us at T.A. Brown Park on 11/4!
Austin’s biannual It’s My Park Day is coming up Saturday, November 4th, and we’re inviting Highland neighbors to join the HNA for an unofficial park-appreciation-and-potluck gathering at T.A. Brown. We’ll provide some breakfast beverages and nibbles, and neighbors are welcome to bring snacks to share. Stop by between 10am-1pm!
📰 Highland in the News 📰
Highland-area D4 City Council Member Chito Vela recently appeared on the Evil MoPac podcast with fellow CMs Zo Quadri and Paige Ellis — watch or listen here. Be sure to follow Vela on Twitter and sign up for the district newsletter to stay in the loop.
🍂 COVID Boosters and Flu Shots 🍂
‘Tis the season to get the jab: New monovalent COVID boosters are rolling out now. Check out vaccines.gov for a location near you, and the Bridge Access program is available to facilitate no-cost vaccines. Don’t forget to get your flu shot, too!
🎃 Halloween Yard Contest 🎃
As a Halloween enthusiast, I’m excited to announce the HNA’s first-ever Halloween yard decorating contest for Highland neighbors! I’ll make the rounds on Sunday, October 29th and award prizes for first, second, and third place winners.
🙋🏾 Join the HNA Board 🙋🏾
Annual HNA board elections are coming up, and we’ve got two important vacancies for secretary and communications director. If you’re a Highland resident who wants to throw your hat in the ring, email us at boardmembers@highlandneighborhood.org.
👩🏽💻 Let’s Spruce Up the Website 👩🏽💻
We’re always looking to update our official HNA website with some fresh new photos from Highlanders doing all their favorite Highland things. If you’ve taken a cool photo of a Highland spot or community event, please email it to us at boardmembers@highlandneighborhood.org to be featured on the site, or tag us on Instagram.
That’s all for now!
HNA Board President