How to Join
1. Do one of the following depending on your device:
To join with Zoom on your phone or tablet, you have to download the free app, open the app, then tap Join a Meeting
To join on your computer, click this link:
2. Enter this Meeting ID: 911 5026 8884
3. Enter this Password: 111817
4. You can turn your video on or off. We will mute audio to keep feedback from happening, but we'll open it up for questions. Try to keep your own audio muted unless you want to speak.
To join by phone, dial (346) 248-7799 US, then enter the meeting ID: 911 5026 8884
6:30—Introduction from Nick, HNA President
6:40—7:00: Parks Update: Focus on Reilly Community Gardens with Alyson Beaton, Highland Park update with Kate Garza
7:00—7:15: Officer Hyatt, APD liaison—CANCELLED
7:15—7:30: Open Forum
7:30—8:00: Greg Casar, District 4 city council representative