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Quarterly Meeting June 8

We’re holding the Highland Neighborhood Association summer meeting on Tuesday, June 9, from 6 PM—8 PM. We’ll be meeting virtually using Zoom. Here’s how to join the meeting:

On your computer, smartphone, or tablet, click or tap this link:

Then, enter this meeting ID: 852 8637 4741, followed by this passcode: 78752

If you want to join by phone, dial (346) 248-7799, then enter the ID and passcode above. Note that this is how you can join all the meetings for the rest of the year.

Meeting Agenda

  • Update from councilman Greg Casar, with a chance to ask Greg questions about what’s going on at city hall.

  • Officer Hyatt, our APD liaison, will be there to answer questions and chat about public safety in Highland.

  • Parks update, including a “save the date” for June 29th, where the parks department will share the results from the first online survey about Highland Park and will present the updated concept plan that was created using neighborhood feedback.

  • Open forum.